At the law firm Battaglia e Vidilli, we focus on criminal law. Our law firm is the result of lawyers coming together with ideas and commitments in common: the ethics of lawyering, legal excellence and the will to fight hard to defend our clients, whether they are individuals or corporations.

Our founding partners’ broad experience in business-related criminal law, together with our lawyers’ constant study, allows us to work with legal excellence. It leads us to carefully analyze each case in a search for the best and most appropriate solution, taking each client’s big picture into account.

AtBattaglia e Vidilli, we provide high-quality service that stands out in business-related criminal law litigation and advising, addressing our clients’ problems from a legal perspective and making ourselves available in a personal way. This allows us to build long-term relationships with our clients that are based on complete trust.

We also have a team of associate lawyers and clerks whose practices focus on business-related criminal law.

Our main customers are manufacturers, business groups, multinational businesses and banks. We work throughout Brazil.
At Battaglia e Vidilli, we focus on business-related criminal law, especially in these areas:

• Prevention: advising in criminal law matters to reduce the possibility of criminal law problems;

• Advising on crimes related to business activities, including environmental crimes, crimes against the financial system, against the public welfare, against consumers, crimes involving information technology, unfair competition, bankruptcy, against an individual’s honor and against the government, among others;

• Advising and legal representation in administrative and judicial proceedings and in various criminal investigations, such as preliminary investigations and investigatory parliamentary commissions;

• Joint activity with other fields of law, helping to resolve conflicts;

• Advising businesses and individuals who are the victims of crimes, helping them assist the prosecutor;

• Litigating in state, regional and upper-level appellate courts;

• Legal opinions and reports.




Rua Lira, 151 – cj. 11
Vila Madalena
São Paulo/SP

(11) 3032-1062
© Battaglia&Vidilli. All rigths reserved.